google-site-verification=IgayTB6QcCSK1WPVOt5fL6CcDwPSHCGjGosELI3z1A8 2.4 Role of Non-Governmental Bodies and Health and Safety Standards - 비정부 기관의 역할과 안전보건 기준

HSE/Nebosh Internation Diploma

2.4 Role of Non-Governmental Bodies and Health and Safety Standards - 비정부 기관의 역할과 안전보건 기준

Slope of Enlightenment 2020. 11. 4. 22:45

2.4 Role of Non-Governmental Bodies and Health and Safety Standards - 비정부 기관의 역할과 안전보건 기준


◈ Relevant Influential Parties - 정부기관 외에 기업의 안전보건 기준에 영향을 줄 수 있는 단체


1. Employer Bodies

  These represent the interests of employers.


2. Trade Associations

  Trade associations are formed from a membership of companies who operate in a particular area of commerce and exist for their benefit.


3. Trade Unions

  A trades union is an organisation of workers who have formed together to acheive common golas in key areas, such as wages hours and working conditions. The trade union negotiates with the employer on behalf of its members.


4. Professional Groups

  Aprofessional group is an organisation of individuals who work in a particular profession and have achieved a defined level of competence.

  • The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)
  • The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE)
  • The Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP)


5. Pressure Group

  A pressure group can be described as an organised group of people who have a common interest but, unlike a political party, do not put up candidates for election. However, they seek to influence government policy or legislation.


6. General Public

  Individual members of the public can have little influence on the regulation of health and safety unless they can influence others and so form a body of opinion (e.g. a pressure group) that cannot be ignored.





※ 2019년 7월 문제

Question - Organisations are subjected to any influences in health and safety.

Identify influential parties AND outline how they can affect health and safety performance in an organisation.



① Employer Bodies - It helps create and sustain the conditions in which businesses can compete and prosper for the benefit of all.

② Trade associations - They can promote common interests and improvements in quality, safety, health environmental and technical standards through various appropriate means.

③ Trade Unions - The trade unions negotiates with the employers on behalf of its members.

④ Professional groups - In order to establish and validate technical competency criteria

⑤ Pressure groups - They seek to influence government policy or legislation.



◈ Importance of Print, Broadcast and Social Media in a Global Economy - 각종 미디어의 중요성


 The media play an important role in communicating health and safety issues and can influence changes in attitudes to health and safety. The media includes print media (e.g. newspapers, books and journals), broadcast media (e.g. radio and television) and of increasing importance internet-based media, such as the World Wide Web.



◈ Benefits of Schemes Which Promote Co-operation on Health and Safety between Differenct Companies


 The establishment of such schemes may be facilitated and encouraged by government bodies, or they may be set up informally.

 An example of such a scheme is the so-called good neighbour scheme. It is to encourage larger organisations to help smaller businesses and contractors with health and safety exprtise. Small businesses do not have access to the same health and safety expertise, so if a large organisation can provide advice to a smaller one, then the smaller business will benefit and the larger organisation will be able to demonstrate its public responsibility.

 Supplier auditing is the process by which an organisation establishes that its existing and new suppliers meet their requirements.




◈ Adverse Effects on Business Reputation

 Even a small incident in which a worker has to receive first aid will invariably cost money, including lost production from the injured person and from those who give first aid and manage the incident.

 Personal injury cases may invlove a claim for damages by the injured person which will again have a financial impact on the organisation. There may be a loss of morale amongst workers in the organisation in the belief that the organisation does not care about their health and safety.
