google-site-verification=IgayTB6QcCSK1WPVOt5fL6CcDwPSHCGjGosELI3z1A8 Noise and Hearing Conservation Program(소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 2


Noise and Hearing Conservation Program(소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 2

Slope of Enlightenment 2020. 11. 2. 00:32

Noise and Hearing Conservation Program(소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 2


▣ 소음 관련 용어


◈ Noise (소음)

 Noise, simply defined, is unwanted sound. And it can be harmful to humans, by creating a hearing loss, if uncontrolled.



◈ Continuous Noise (연속음 또는 연속성 소음)

 Continuous noise a sound that has unbroken sound waves of one or more different frequencies.


◈ Intermittent Noise (단속음 또는 단속성 소음) 

 Intermittent noise is a sound that has broken sound waves or is noncontinuous.


◈ Sound

 Sound is oscillations in pressure above and below the ambient atmospheric pressure, generated by a vibrating surface or turbulent fluid flow, causing high-and low pressure areas to be formed, which propagate away from the source.


◈ Frequency (주파수; f)

 Frequency is the number of complete cycles of a soun wave in 1s. They are measured in Hertz(Hz). The normal range of hearing for human beings is 20 ~ 20,000㎐. (인간의 가청주파수는 20 ~ 20,000㎐)


주파수(frequency) & Hertz

◈ Period (주기)

 A period is the time required for one cycle. It is the reciprocal of frequency.


◈ Speed or Velocity of Sound (소리의 속도; c)

 The speed or velocity of sound (c) is dependent upon the medium density and compressibility. Speed is equal to the wavelength × frequency. 

소리의 속도는 매개체의 밀도와 압축성에 따라 달라집니다. 소리의 속도는 파장과 주파수의 곱으로 나타낼 수 있습니다.


  • Speed of sound in air ≒ 332 m/s
  • Speed of sound in water ≒ 1500 m/s
  • Speed of sound in steel ≒ 6100 m/s

◈ Wavelength (파장)

 A wavelength is the distance traveled during on pressure cycle.

