google-site-verification=IgayTB6QcCSK1WPVOt5fL6CcDwPSHCGjGosELI3z1A8 CSP - Safety Management System 문제 2


CSP - Safety Management System 문제 2

Slope of Enlightenment 2022. 12. 13. 15:43

CSP - Safety Management System 문제 2

(※ 문제의 답은 답란을 드래그하면 확인할 수 있습니다.)

11. Safety training records, certifications earned, and total hours trained are:

  (1) Confirmation of a positive return on investment.

  (2) Admissible in a legal action.

  (3) Required by all regulatory agencies.

  (4) A valid reason for promotion or a raise in a worker's wage.

답: (2) Admissible in a legal action.


12. Corrective actions related to safe work practices are MOST effective when they are:

  (1) Ordered by senior management.

  (2) Related to an occurrence, a behavior, and a consequence.

  (3) Associated with disciplinary action.

  (4) Coupled with retraining.

답: (2) Related to an occurrence, a behavior, and a consequence.


13. The management of change process covers four primary concepts, regardless of the type of change. Three of these are:

  • Identification of hazards associated with the change
  • Assessment of the risks associated with the change
  • Consideration of the hazards and risks prior to the change

Which is the fourth primary concept?

  (1) Performance of a "what if" analysis to identify expected risks

  (2) Hiring of additional management personnel to oversee and direct organizational change

  (3) Compliance with all applicable regulatory guidelines regarding changes in an occupational health and safety management program

  (4) Implementation of controls needed to address hazards and risks associated with the change

답: (4) Implementation of controls needed to address hazards and risks associated with the change


14. Successful workplace safety programs contain many elecments. The three responsibility categories considered to be key are:

  (1) Subcontractor management/prequalification, site safety orientation/training, and facility security/maintenance.

  (2) Budget/finance, equipment/tools, and emergency response/medical care.

  (3) Discipline/accountability, training/development, and safety management/auditing.

  (4) Administrative/management, operational/technical, and cultural/behavioural.

답: (4) Administrative/management, operational/technical, and cultural/behavioural.


15. When performing a hazard assessment for a new product or process at your facility, a systems approach would focus on the product, process, equipment, and tools involved. An industrial safety approach would focus on:

  (1) The environment of the work.

  (2) Controlling potential incidents at the job level.

  (3) Those specific to the recognized industry hazards.

  (4) Conversion to robotics and automated work tasks.

답: (2) Controlling potential incidents at the job level.


16. Safety performance must be measured to ensure the safety management program is effective. The BEST performance data to use are:

  (1) Experience modification rates.

  (2) Total case incident rates.

  (3) Annual injury trend analysis.

  (4) Leading indicators.

답: (4) Leading indicators.


17. Managing work teams includes schedule, production, budget, and effective use of avilable resources. In managing those teams from a safety perspective, the safety professional should be aware of:

  (1) Personality differences and habits.

  (2) Fear of failure and discipline.

  (3) Unconsious and deliberate risky behaviors.

  (4) Cultural diversity and ethnicity.

답: (3) Unconsious and deliberate risky behaviors.


18. How can a safety manager use leading indicators to engage workers?

  (1) Show that injuries have declined over 12 months.

  (2) Award incentives to workers who have worked injury-free for 30 days.

  (3) Require workers to attend safety training after a regular work shift.

  (4) Recognize a worker for stopping a coworker from working unsafely.

답: (4) Recognize a worker for stopping a coworker from working unsafely.


19. Safety goals for any organization must be:

  (1) Achievable and measurable.

  (2) Based on injury rates.

  (3) General enough to ensre they will be achieved.

  (4) Established by executive management.

답: (1) Achievable and measurable.(

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20. Several minor hand and arm lacerations have occurred recently in one of your manufacturing plants. As the company safety manager, which action would you take FIRST to prevent this type of injury in the future?

  (1) Conduct a training needs assessment.

  (2) Retrain all workers in hand and arm safety.

  (3) Purchase additional personal protective equipment and require workers to use it.

  (4) Perform a root cause analysis.

답:  (4) Perform a root cause analysis.
