google-site-verification=IgayTB6QcCSK1WPVOt5fL6CcDwPSHCGjGosELI3z1A8 Construction Leader Safety (Challange Tests) - 1


Construction Leader Safety (Challange Tests) - 1

Slope of Enlightenment 2023. 6. 8. 14:40

Construction Leader Safety (Challange Tests) - 1

 BCSP의 recert PRO course 중에서 Challange Tests-Contruction Leader Safety 문제들 정리한 내용입니다.

 각 문제의 답은 마우스를 드래그하여 볼 수 있습니다.



문제 1. Which statement is correct regarding hand power tools?

1) Regular maintenance logs must be kept on all hand and power tools and sbmittedto the safety manager monthly.

2) Only supervisors are allowed to make repairs to hand and power tools.

3) It is the employer's responsibility to ensure that onlywell-maintained and operable hand and power tools are utilized on the job site.

4) It is the supervisor's responsibility to ensure that all hand and power tools on the jobs site are well maintained and operable.


: 3) It is the employer's responsibility to ensure that onlywell-maintained and operable hand and power tools are utilized on the job site.                                 



문제 2.  During a crane lifting operation, which person is responsible for control of the lift?

1) Only the supervisor.

2) The designated signal person.

3) Only the crane operator.

4) Any employee with a clear line of sight to the load.


답: 3) Only the crane operator                                 



문제 3. Which is an important ergonomic practice when attempting to maintain neutral body postures while working in a seated posture?

1) The thighs and hips are supported by a well-padded seat that extends past the knee.

2) The knees are about the same height as the hips, with the feet slightly forward.

3) The back is fully supported without any lumbar support when sitting vertically or leaning back slightly.

4) The elbows stay close to the body and are bent between 45 and 90 degrees.


답: 2) The knees are about the same height as the hips, with the feet slightly forward.                         



문제 4. Which statement is the MOST correct regarding hazard controls for material conveyor systems?

1) Vertical reciprocating type conveyors should never be installed.

2) Nets or other guards should be installed in areas where a conveyor passes under a pedestrian walkway.

3) Steps or bridges should be installed in area where workers may need to cross over the conveyor.

4) Openings to hoppers and chutes should have warning signs.


답: 3) Steps or bridges should be installed in area where workers may need to cross over the conveyor.



문제 5. Which is an example of deliberately unsafe employee behavior that should result in firm disciplinary action?

1) Employee failure to comply with company dress code and personal hygiene standards.

2) Employss failure to communicate minor jo site environmental hazard improvements to the foreman.

3) Employee failure to tie-off (i.e., improper use) of fall protection system while working at elevation.

4) Employee failure to complete all of the documented daily job tasks listed in the job/task hazard analysis.


답: 3) Employee failure to tie-off (i.e., improper use) of fall protection system while working at elevation.                   



문제 6. A hot work permit must specify which control?

1) The contact information for the two closest fire stations.

2) The assignment of a fire watch.

3) The amount of water required to be available onsite.

4) The employer's fire insurance policy number.


답: 2) The assignment of a fire watch.                                 



문제 7. In regards to the BCSP Code of Ethics, the word "integrity" is BEST understood by which definition?

1) The state of being whole, entire, or undiminished.

2) Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character.

3) A sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition.

4) The state, condition, or quality of being fair, or free bias or justice.


답: 2) Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character.




문제 8. The BCSP Code of Ethics emphasizes which priority for a safety professional?

1) The appearance of the company.

2) The reputation of the safety professional.

3) The insurance safety rating of the company.

4) The protection of environment and property.


답: 4) The protection of environment and property.         



문제 9.  Which is considered a key principle of the BCSP Code of Ethics?

1) Communication

2) Impartiality

3) Consideration

4) Objectivity


답: 2) Impartiality            



문제 10. Which is the MOST applicable statement regarding minor employee illness, injury, or near miss?

1) Employer only require notification if an incident resulted in personal injury, illness, or property damage.2) Any incident, near miss, or minor event should be reported immediately to a supervisor.3) The job site foreman should determine if the incident is serious enough to require supervisor notification.4) Near misses or minor events should be documented on the JHA and reported to a foreman at the end of the work shift.


답: 2) Any incident, near miss, or minor event should be reported immediately to a supervisor.                                             



문제 11. Which is the ethical priority of industrial hygienists?

1) The company profitability margins.

2) Ending the spread of communicable disease through employee hygiene.

3) The health and safety of employees.

4) Improving employee ergonomics.


답: 3) The health and safety of employees.                                                     



문제 12. Class D fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish which type of fire?

1) Electrical components.

2) Burning metals.

3) Cooking oils and fats.

4) Flammable liquids.


답: 2) Burning metals.               


문제 13. Which element should a supervisor assess during a daily toolbox meeting to determine an employee's readiness and ability to perform their job safely?

1) The worker performed stretching exercises adequately.

2) The worker appears to be from fatigue and the influence of illicit substances.

3) The worker consumed adequate food and water.

4) The worker is able to effectively communicate the planned work sequence for the week.


답: 2) The worker appears to be from fatigue and the influence of illicit substances.                 



문제 14. If employees are performing work onor associated with exposed electrical lines or equipment, above which voltage should the employer ensure that persons trained in first aid and CPR are onsite at all times?

1) 800 volts

2) 120 volts

3) 24 volts

4) 50 volts


답: 4) 50 volts             



문제 15. Which is a requirement of retrieval systems for confined space rescue?

1) Each authorized entrant to a permitted confined space must use a chest or full-body harness.

2) If a powered device is used for non-entry confined space rescue, the retrieval line must have a breakaway attachment.

3) Each entrant's retrieval line must be attached to the front of the entrant's body between the waist and shoulders.

4) Manually operated mechanical devices used for non-entry confined space rescue must have at least two-to-one mechanical advantage.


답: 1) Each authorized entrant to a permitted confined space must use a chest or full-body harness.                                                                    



문제 16. How should an employer evaluate the effectiveness of an emergency response plan?

1) Conduct a review of historical company disaster-related death and injury statistics.

2) Conduct a fire drill speed competition with rewards for winning employees.

3) Conduct regular disaster training.

4) Conduct a drill or exercise.


답: 4) Conduct a drill or exercise.                                                                                           



문제 17. If the hazards in a workplace necessitate the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), which statement would be applicable to employees in the workplace?

1) PPE is only required to be sanitized when shared beween workers.

2) Employee-owned PPE must be adequately sanitized as a part of regular maintenance.

3) Stainedor dirty PPE is never allowed.

4) Company-Provided PPE must be labeled with the company brand/logo.


답: 2) Employee-owned PPE must be adequately sanitized as a part of regular maintenance.        



문제 18. Which should be the FIRST step in the risk management process?

1) Assessment of hazards.

2) Implementation of hazard controls.

3) Development of hazard controls.

4) Identification of hazards.


답: 4) Identification of hazards.                      



문제 19. Which is considered a major route of entry for employee exposure to chemical compounds?

1) Activation

2) Spillage

3) Inhalation

4) Contact


답: 3) Inhalation



문제 20. Which is a correct statement regarding completion of the daily job/task hazard analysis (JHA)?

1) The JHA is only required to be completed on the first day of the project.

2) The JHA from should be developed with contributions from all employees involved in the documented task(s)

3) The JHA form must be completed and documented in English.

4) The JHA can only be completed by the project manager.


답: 2) The JHA from should be developed with contributions from all employees involved in the documented task(s)
