google-site-verification=IgayTB6QcCSK1WPVOt5fL6CcDwPSHCGjGosELI3z1A8 'HSE' 카테고리의 글 목록 (5 Page)

HSE 81

Biological Hazards - 생물학적 위험요인 1

Biological Hazards - 생물학적 위험요인 1 대표적인 생물학적 위험요인으로는 박테리아(bacteria), 바이러스(viruses), 균류(fungi) 등이 있으며 이들의 전파경로는 동/식물, 벌레, 식물 그리고 사람 등에 의해 전파됩니다. ▣ Bacterial Diseases (세균성 질병) ◈ Anthrax (탄저병) Anthrax can enter the human body through ingestion, inhalation or cutaneous route. Preventive measures include protective, impermeable clothing and equipment; prevention of skin contact, especially open wounds;..

HSE/CSP 2020.11.24

Noise and Hearing Conservation Program (소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 6

Noise and Hearing Conservation Program (소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 6 ▣ 음향파워레벨(Lw), 음압(Lp)의 계산 음향파워레벨(Lw), 음압(Lp), 음의 세기(Li)의 정의는 아래 링크 참고하세요. 2020/11/07 - [안전 공부방/CSP] - Noise and Hearing Conservation Program (소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 4 Noise and Hearing Conservation Program (소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 4 Noise and Hearing Conservation Program (소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 4 ◈ Entities of Noise (소음의 본질) There are three entities of nois..

HSE/CSP 2020.11.16

Noise and Hearing Conservation Program (소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 5

Noise and Hearing Conservation Program (소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 5 ◈ Combining Noise Levels - 합성소음 계산 여러 종류의 소음 발생원이 존재하면 다음의 식을 이용하여 계산합니다. Lpt: combined sound pressure level (합성소음의 크기) Lpi: individual measured sound pressure level (각 소음별 크기) ※관련문제. There are four machines present in a facility. Machine 1 measures 79dB, Machine 2 measures 85dB, Machine 3 measures 90dB, and Machine 4 measures 95dB. What..

HSE/CSP 2020.11.11

3.1 Theories/Models and Use of Loss Causation Techniques (사고발생이론의 이해)- 1

3.1 Theories/Models and Use of Loss Causation Techniques (사고발생이론의 이해)- 1 ◈ Accident/Incident Ratio Studies - 사고 비율에 대한 연구 The actual figures vary between the different accident triangles but the important thing to note is that, for every major incident or fatality, there are many more less serious r near-miss incidents. 하인리히(Heinrich)의 1:29:300 법칙이 잘 알려져있지만 이 외에도 여러 사람/기관들에 의한 사고 비율에 대한 연구 사례가 있..

Noise and Hearing Conservation Program (소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 4

Noise and Hearing Conservation Program (소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 4 ◈ Entities of Noise (소음의 본질) There are three entities of noise/sound. ⓛ sound power (Lw), ② sound intensity (Li), ③ sound pressure (Lp) ① Sound Power (Lw) - 음향파워레벨 - The sound power of a source is expressed in terms of its sound power level and is written as (Lw or PWL) - Sound power reference level (기준 음향파워 W0) = 10^-12W ② Sound Pressur..

HSE/CSP 2020.11.07

2.4 Role of Non-Governmental Bodies and Health and Safety Standards - 비정부 기관의 역할과 안전보건 기준

2.4 Role of Non-Governmental Bodies and Health and Safety Standards - 비정부 기관의 역할과 안전보건 기준 ◈ Relevant Influential Parties - 정부기관 외에 기업의 안전보건 기준에 영향을 줄 수 있는 단체 1. Employer Bodies These represent the interests of employers. 2. Trade Associations Trade associations are formed from a membership of companies who operate in a particular area of commerce and exist for their benefit. 3. Trade Unions A tr..

Noise and Hearing Conservation Program (소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 3

Noise and Hearing Conservation Program (소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 3 ◈ Anatomy and Physiology of the Ear (귀의 구조 및 생리학) There are three major parts of the ear. ① outer ear(외이), ② middle ear(중이), ③ inner ear(내이) outer ear (외이): Designed to collect sound vibrations & consists of the pinna. (소리의 진동을 모아 주는 역할) middle ear (중이): Transmits mechanical vibrations from the air into vibrations in fluid. (공기의 기계적 진동을 ..

HSE/CSP 2020.11.02

Noise and Hearing Conservation Program(소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 2

Noise and Hearing Conservation Program(소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 2 ▣ 소음 관련 용어 ◈ Noise (소음) Noise, simply defined, is unwanted sound. And it can be harmful to humans, by creating a hearing loss, if uncontrolled. ◈ Continuous Noise (연속음 또는 연속성 소음) Continuous noise a sound that has unbroken sound waves of one or more different frequencies. ◈ Intermittent Noise (단속음 또는 단속성 소음) Intermittent noise is a sound t..

HSE/CSP 2020.11.02

Noise and Hearing Conservation Program(소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 1

Noise and Hearing Conservation Program(소음과 청력보존 프로그램) - 1 ◈ OSHA's Hearing Conservation Program 청력보존과 관련된 OSHA standard는 29 CFR 1910. 95 입니다. ▶ 29 CFR 1910. 95 바로가기 1910.95 - Occupational noise exposure. | Occupational Safety and Health Administration "Exemptions." Paragraphs (c) through (n) of this section shall not apply to employers engaged in oil and gas well drilling and servicing operation..

HSE/CSP 2020.11.01

2.3 Role and Limitations of the International Labour Organisation in a Global health and safety setting (ILO의 역할과 'Convention(협약)', 'Recommendation(권고)' 등 알아보기)

2.3 Role and Limitations of the International Labour Organisation in a Global health and safety setting (ILO의 역할과 'Convention(협약)', 'Recommendation(권고)') International Labour Organisation(이하 ILO)의 역할과 ① Convention, ② Recommendation, ③ Codes of practice의 차이에 대해서 알아보겠습니다. ◈ Role of the United Nations - ILO role and international labour conference The International Labour Organisation(ILO) is an ag..
